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Recurring Subscription Policy

DRAFT - Last revised on 11/6/2023

Radio Systems offers various product Subscriptions, including, but not limited to, monthly, bi-monthly (every other month), and quarterly recurring Subscriptions (“Recurring Subscriptions”). The Products included in a Recurring Subscription, and the purchase price of Recurring Subscriptions, are listed on the Site and may be modified by Radio Systems from time to time. We will notify you prior to implementing such changes.

When you purchase a Recurring Subscription, you will be asked to select deliveries on a periodic basis. Recurring Subscriptions commence on the date that you submit your first purchase order, and deliveries shall be made on the periodic schedule that you’ve selected, on approximately the scheduled shipment frequency which you submitted your subscription order noting delays for any potential holidays or weekend deliveries.

Recurring Subscriptions are automatically renewed on the frequency schedule that you have chosen at checkout.

By purchasing a Recurring Subscription, you agree and acknowledge that your Recurring Subscription has an initial and recurring payment charge at the then-current Recurring Subscription rate, you agree that Radio Systems may submit periodic charges (e.g., monthly) to your chosen payment method without further authorization from you, until you provide notice to Radio Systems that you wish to cancel your Recurring Subscription or to change your payment method. You further accept responsibility for all recurring charges prior to cancellation, including, where applicable, any charges processed by Radio Systems after the expiration date of your payment card.

You may cancel your Recurring Subscriptions at any time by logging into your account and following the cancellation procedures, or by emailing us at

Radio Systems reserves the right to change or discontinue Recurring Subscriptions at our discretion. We may make these changes at any time, with or without notice. Your continued participation in a Recurring Subscription will constitute your acceptance of these terms including the automatic renewal provisions above.