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Doorman™ Electronic Pet Door

Open up your pet’s world with the freedom to come and go.
Doorman™ Electronic Pet Door

Not all electronic pet doors are built the same. Doorman is fully compatible with other Invisible Fence® Brand indoor and outdoor systems.

Pet door for multi-pet homes.

With Doorman Electronic Pet Door, you can keep your dog from using the cat door or stop the cat from going outside because it lets you make the rules. Not only are automatic pet doors convenient for pet owners, but they are perfect for potty training your dog too!

Prevent wildlife from coming inside.

Doorman comes equipped with advanced safety technology that locks automatically, so only your pet has access. Set times and rules for when your pet can go out without letting neighborhood animals in.

Best electronic pet door on the market.

Our pet door isn’t just convenient and secure; it’s also durable, well insulated and beautifully constructed.

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How they work.

Locks and unlocks automatically. Doorman Electronic Pet Door provides enhanced security, reducing the chance of unwanted guests coming in.

Works for exterior and interior doors. Whether you’re ready to grant your companion safe access to the yard, or just another room, Invisible Fence makes it easy to match your needs… and your home.

Features professional-grade construction. Our pet door is made to last. With exceptional durability, Doorman is constructed to handle even the most indecisive pets. And its classic design blends seamlessly into your home environment.

Use as a standalone solution, or with other Invisible Fence indoor and outdoor systems. Our pet door opens and locks via the same Computer Collar® Receiver used with our fences. So all our solutions work together to make the most of your pet’s freedom — safely.

Included training introduces your pet to his newfound independence. We don’t just install your pet door and hope your pet figures it out. Rather, every Doorman Electronic Pet Door comes with expert training. So your pet understands the rules, and how to make his new door work.

Designed for multiple pet households. With more than 40 years experience caring for dogs, Invisible Fence understands that what works for one pet might not work for another — even in one home. That’s why our advanced technology lets you customize the access rules for each pet.

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76,017hours of human sleep made possible by Doorman Pet Door
Get started today.Get started today.

Get started today.

At Invisible Fence we’re passionate about protecting pets — so you can focus on fun! So, let’s talk. And we’ll find the gentle, effective, affordable solution that’s right for you and your pet. Guaranteed.

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