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More Than A Fence

Convenience for your family. Safety and happiness for your pet.
More Than A Fence


  • Exclusive patented technology making our pet containment systems the most reliable on the market.
  • Personalized settings to ensure your system is customized for your pet’s needs.
  • No lockouts. Other systems allow your pets to break through the boundary and will correct them when they try to come home.


  • Professional installation and exclusive hands-on training protocol leading to a 99% success rate
  • Expert guidance from start to finish so both you and your pet feel comfortable with your new system
  • 50 years of experience and millions of pets of all breeds, sizes, and ages protected
  • One year money-back performance guarantee – not only is your pet secure, so is your investment

Get an Invisible® Fence Brand Quote Today!

There are several variables that determine price of Invisible Fence® Brand, which is why we ask customers to schedule a free in-home consultation with one of our Pet Consultants, so we can customize a solution and a quote for your pet.